How to Know if Your Kratom Vendor is Legitimate

Check Those Reviews

One of the best ways to know if your kratom supplier is legitimate is to look into the company’s reviews. If the supplier has more than 50 reviews and around a 4.3 to 4.8 star average, then give them a shot. Keep in mind that some companies do their best to cheat the system with fake reviews. Kratom suppliers with 5.0 star reviews on Google might be trying to trick you into believing they are a stand-up supplier, when in reality they are likely flooding the internet with fake reviews. If a brand looks perfect, it’s likely they are far from it. Note: kratom companies that have been around for many years usually don’t have 5.0 star averages because of time and sheer statistics of customers complaints for one reason or the other. 

Yelp: The Grifter of the Internet

Did you know that sites like Yelp bully companies into paying for advertising space? Yelp is well known for its pay-to-play mentality, unfair algorithms, and nefarious back door deals. They suppress companies that deserve credibility who don’t “play the game.” Yelp claims to have systems in place that can detect fake reviews, but you’ll still find them. Here is an article describing how Yelp’s review system really works. It’s surprising that a company like this has lasted so long in this day of age.

Use Reddit and Google Reviews instead

How Long Have They Been In Business?

Kratom Vendors that have been around for years and years have the connections for good products. They know the suppliers, they know the product, and they know the customers. This is a big one, as the length of time can tell you so much. Would you rather work with a supplier that popped up last week in a strange basement somewhere on the south side of Chicago? Or would you want to work with a kratom vendor that’s been around for a decade? Sure, some new companies could have some of the best kratom in the world, but it would be extremely rare. 

Do They Test Their Kratom?

Does your supplier test the kratom that they send you? Most vendors tend to skip testing as it can be a major expense. It’s much easier to pass the ball on to someone else. Many kratom users don’t know this, but almost every batch of kratom does have trace amounts of heavy metals present. A responsible vendor tests and rejects heavy metal levels that are too high. 

Check for Certification

If a vendor has a certification authority watching over them, making sure that things are clean, with good procedures and attention to fine detail, you can trust their product. Pop-up kratom shops are common and almost all do not follow any kind of guidelines. They put your stuff in a bag and send it out with no care in the world. Local Departments of Agriculture are the best at watching over companies that produce products such as kratom. The American Kratom Association is a good one as well, but it is not a necessary certification to look for. The AKA does not have complete oversight over the kratom vendor. The Department of AG sums up most of what is needed to make sure the vendor is on its best behavior.

Shipping speed

Shipping speed is an extremely important piece to the kratom legitimacy puzzle. Check to see how fast the company that you are ordering with is. Companies that ship once or twice a day are usually going to have quality products. A vendor that is not prompt with delivery may be a make shift basement operation. Some kratom resellers simply stack up a bunch of orders and ship them out once or twice a week. These types of services often result in poor product and poor customer service. 

Customer Service

Make sure you’re getting kratom from people that care about you. Do they return your phone calls? Do they respond to emails? The most important part of the process of ordering is the customer.  A company that cares about the consumer cares about the products they sell. This has been proven time and time again, and it applies to the kratom industry as well.

It can be exhausting finding the right kratom supplier, but with a bit of patience and simple knowledge, it is not impossible. In fact, it can even be easy to pick out the right company that is going to get you the products you deserve.